How it works
The event is held at individual communities and includes the following categories:
Age categories including:
50-54, 55-59, 60-64, 65-69, 70-74, 75-79, 80-84, 85-89, 90-94, 95-99, 100-105. Yes, we have had a 100 year old participant for the 50 meter!
Distance categories (include all or some):​
50 Meter (164 Feet)
100 Meter (328 Feet)
200 Meter (656 Feet)
400 Meter (¼ Mile)
800 Mete (½ Mile)
1600 Meter (1 Mile)
Special categories for each distance including use of a walking device, self-propelled wheelchair, or any unique needs of your community. You can walk, run, or roll your way to victory!
Athletes may enter as many events as they wish!

Event t-shirt
Swag bags ( WWC merchandise, give aways from sponsors, etc.)
Medals for each event and category (age and gender)
Wisdom Cup (for the overall winner of the entire race series)
Videos to share with participants to explain the event and build excitement
Community specific participant waivers
Resident event tracking forms and other organizational tools
The Virtual Awards Ceremony with all communities to award the overall top athletes for each category and the coveted Wisdom Cup to the community with the most points.
Choose your event coach! We recommend someone from the wellness, activities or rehabilitation department. We will provide all the resources your coach needs.
Your coach will engage and coordinate the following at your community:
Enlist as many volunteers as possible, include associates and staff
Host an introductory meeting with the residents to explain the event; the communities will be issued a WWC pre-recorded video to play at this meeting to explain the event details
Assist the residents in choosing the distances (Don't be afraid to challenge them so that they are working toward a meaningful goal)
Set up a marked track within the community for both training and event day; all distances should end at the same point
Coordinate training for the residents to get them started
Wisdom Warrior Challenge will provide a schedule to help your team organize the event and stay on track!
You will need
​Cheerleaders along the track to encourage the participants
Space for sponsors and vendors to set up tables
A DJ to play music throughout the event
A ceremony to distribute medals to all the winners

The training program was designed by a certified OccupationalTherapist and Kinesiologist to gradually increase activity level at apace that is safe and fun.
The WWC is a competitive event. Think seniors aren’t competitive? They thrive on it! Make time to attend an event in your area and you will see that the competitive spirit has no age limit!
Participating and training as part of a team fosters camaraderie, connection and accountability. All athletes have the opportunity to add to the overall place of their team.
Full support and all supplies are given to the teams, 100% free to all participants.